School starts next week. I'm pretty excited about it. The kids aren't so much, but that's okay. Mystery Man starts kindergarden. He thinks it's cool that he'll be going to the same school as Born Cool who starts the 3rd grade. The Old Soul starts 8th which I still don't believe. I don't believe I'm old enough to have an 8th grader - or a 13 year old for that matter. The only one I'm a little concerned about is Born Cool. He is exactly that. Cool. At 8 years old. I don't understand nor can I relate. I don't know if I was ever "cool", but he's just that. It's a little scary to me. He's one of the funniest kids I know; and if you meet him, you love him. He's always saying off the wall stuff like last night at dinner - 'Oh yeah, this garlic stuff is good. Everybody that has electricity probably eats garlic stuff'. What? He met this kid at the pool and a few minutes later I heard the kid tell his mom, 'This kid is talking to me like he's known me all his life'. The little girls stare and giggle at him and he just smirks and rolls his eyes. He thinks bad words are hilarious and they induce a constant giggle from him. Here's something I found in his agenda last year...
It's scary enough to me that he spelt it right, but used it right, in a real smart ass way... When I found that, it was all I could do to keep from busting out.
Yep, I should have named him "Pay Back"... Tell me he's the one that's not going to give me the most grief! Third grade should be very interesting...
Eight huh, watch out Mama, you will have your hands full. Just remeber, cool or not, deep down he needs really needs his mama.
Oh this made me LOL! (as in cackle loudly so that others would notice).
Born Cool is no surprise to me. You have always been cool....well, at least since kindergarten.
OMG, this is so funny... I was actually laughing aloud and I *never* do that!
Fun and funny - cute blog!
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