Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here goes...

Well, a recent trip down memory lane which included a run-in with a darling friend of a mere 29 years has prompted this attempt at 'blogging'... First off, how many people can say they've ran into a friend of 29 years?? How many people start kindergarden together? Needless to say, my conception of 'being old' started changing as soon as I walked out of high school. And it is high school that prompted this trip down memory lane... A couple of weeks ago, I went back to my old high school for a 'Farewell Tour'. The building is absolutely beautiful and has been standing proud for 90-something years. Egregiously, it's being demolished. I don't like to talk about it. As I've said before (not that you would know at this point), it feels like something's reaching and squeezing my heart when I think about the whole matter. Regardless, I walked out with a set of lockers. MY set of lockers. Locker #3 still has my name written in it - you know how you make letters with little dots on the ends of each letter? Yep, that's mine...

Flower Girl... A little cliche', don't you think? But, have you really looked hard at a flower or really thought about a flower? Have you ever wished you were a beautiful little flower there, sitting in the garden soaking up the dew at night only to bask in the sun all day and give some little bug some shade? I revel in their simplicity. Life is so comlicated. How cool would it be to just be simple, just like that little flower. I have a flower necklace. Here it is...

I never take it off. It's simple and each petal has a value on it that I hold near and dear. And, I collect other flowers to wear. Like the one I bought at the French Market on a recent and quite suprising trip to New Orleans. And, yes, that flower gets to visit the other flower I wear when I put it on my chain. There are lot of other flowers that I wear. But, there's my mainstay always there to remind me what I value most in life. So, yeah, Flower Girl is a little cliche' on the surface, but, really is it? I think it all boils down on how you view yourself.
Well, I'm done with that tangent... Don't expect me to get that deep on a regular basis. Here goes, I guess. We'll see how this goes... Could be very interesting...


Anonymous said...

That's my awesome sis! Very good post - you've always been good at writing, creativity, etc. You gotta give me some lessons..LOL ;)

Lipstick said... are AWESOME! Are you sure you haven't been blogging forever already? My first post was about container gardening (boring...).
Welcome to the blogosphere! This is gonna be so fun! I'll add you to my blogroll tonight!