Monday, August 11, 2008

And the winners are.....

I've been away. Again. Blame it on the Rain... (remember that stupid song by Milli Vinilli??) Anyway, I'll get straight to the point of tonight's post...

Hello. And Welcome. I'm glad you all could make it... This is a very special day. My super cool blog friend, Georgie, as you all know, bestowed on me this award...

Kick Ass Blogger Award

Can you believe it?? Being the novice I am, I'm not sure this is COMPLETELY in order... However, I'm takin' it and runnin'... One of the stipulations is that I pass this prestigious award on to five other bloggers... So, here they are... Some of them have a lot of awards already, some not so much... ANY RATE, I've picked them because they've engaged me and/or made me laugh. Here ya go...

1. Lipstick At The Mailbox... Lipstick, thank you for opening up this whole new blog world to me... I can vent and say whatever the hell I need to and it doesn't matter because here, I can be who I really am... and, that's fun!

2. More Wine Please... You're one of the first blogs I started reading that made me giggle. I love hearing stories about your girls and I love a good cab sav. BTW... what's your fav? Mine currently is a Chilean wine whose bottle comes wrapped in a burlap sac. It's also cheap. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot and let me know what you think...

3. Mommie Mayhem... This is one I have very recently discovered... You gals make me laugh... This is a funny blog... I'm actually kinda sad to discover that Daddy Longs Legs aren't the most poisonous spider around. Oh well, I guess I can still chase the kids around with them...

4. Crotchety Old Man Yells At Cars... Ok, Ok, I know you just got a bunch of awards... But, you got my attention with that 'kitchen gaget' thing... I still don't know what it is tonight; and if I don't find out soon, I may never sleep again. This guy's a funny read as well...

5. The Soccer Mom Files... You may not even know who I am but I've been reading your blog and you are hysterical. I love the whole "mom jeans bit". Reverend Doctor Kristen Valentine, you really are a comic genius...

Here's what you gotta do to get this little precious...

* Choose 5 other bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”

* Let them know that they have received an award

* Link back to both the person who awarded you and also Georgie

* Visit the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ , to get codes click here and it will take you to KABC HQ, sign Mr. Linky then pass it on!

So, that's it... Again, I'd like to thank my rockin' friend, Georgie... If you haven't checked out her blog yet, well, you have a rock for a brain... She's hilarious and has taught me some kick ass blog moves See how cool I am now... I'll need to pay tribute to the blogger that passed it on to her... MammaDawg... Also, a funny one...


Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

Thank you .. you love us ... you really love us lol ... :)

Lipstick said...

Awwwww! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! *blushing and giggling all at the same time*

I LOVE your are such a natural!

morewineplease said...

AWESOME!! Thanks a ton! I will have to check out those other bloggers... I know Mrs. Lipsticks blog well and stalk it daily!

Da Old Man said...

Thank you so much for the award. Of course I said what the gadget was. I even included a link of it in action. Meaning you don't stop by every day, like you should. :)

FlowerGirl said...

MM: Oh, yes, I really do love you! Y'all are a trip! It's always good to see that I'm not the only semi-crazy one out there!! LOVED the pic of the house today!

Lipstick: I laughed when I knew I would give this to you. I thought about your mom reading your blog. She'll know you're a kick ass blogger now - ha! You are my blogger inspiration!

MWP:I'm living vicariously through you with the going out and concerts and having all girls... It's good to peer over the fence and see how green that grass is - ha! I love reading about what's going on over there!!

DOM: Ok, yeah, busted... And if you kept up with me, you'd know that I have to 'check out' occasionally... ha! This is the other, free-er side of my life I visit... I need to catch up on my reading apparently...

Unknown said...

We all can't be in the Olympics-so for the rest of us there is the "Kick Ass Blog award!"
Can't wait to check out your pics FG!

Kirsten said...

Thank you for the award!!! I have been out of town and kind of out of the loop lately. I love your blog! I'm glad you enjoy mine too!