Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday night, woo-hoo...

So, tonight is pizza night. If you've got a Sam's Club near you, run, don't walk. They have awesome, huge pizzas that are really good and really CHEAP. I mean, I can get a cheese pizza and it feeds me and all three of my guys! It cost less than $9. It used to be less that $8, but I guess with gas to high and all, it's costing more to get them to the club. Whatever. I'm so sick of hearing that. (old man's bogus bullshit voice) "Well, you know gas has gone up; and well, we've got to increase our prices..." WHAT? You mean gas has gone up? No way. Anyway, I live for pizza night... Besides, it's the only place I can go and get a fountain CFDC (caffeine-free diet coke).

Second day of school... Better. Mystery Man actually PLAYED with three kids. Born Cool has nothing exciting to report - good; no "shut up"s today. Old Soul's actually starting to complain about the locker situation... Hmmmm... maybe I should take my lockers up there and he could have, not one, but six.

Speaking of gas prices, our Kroger is rocking with gas at $3.50. With the card - $3.47. If you've got the points, $3.40!! So, I'm in line because there's probably at least 2 cars waiting at each pump. I'm behind this monstrous truck that actually had TWO (count 'em), TWO gas tanks. Big Ass Truck. The woman driving it needed a step ladder to get in it. Anyway, I was behind her. She pulls off and BAM, this guy in a car that was in front of her totally muscles me out and takes my spot. Thanks pal. Happy *bleeping* friday...

Well, I had to break from the blog to get the pizza. Old Soul was dying to get out of the house to see his buddy. I make him watch the other minions while I run that errand. Look at what Sam's has got out already!!

Now, Halloween, really, is my favorite holiday. Simply because, you get to dress up and and be somebody or something else. Maybe I have issues, but that's okay. I LOVE to dress up as somebody else... Anyway, it got me all excited.

No, what really got me all excited was my webcam fix today... Webcams are the best invention ever...

Happy weekend y'all!!


morewineplease said...

SO I came over here to look for Colin... where is he??? I thought you were bringing him over tonight? I am waiting!

Unknown said...

OH Sams does have yummy pizza-I love to go get a slice and HUGE drink for $2.50-why do the pizzas I bring home never taste as good as Sams....prolly cuz someone else made it huh?

School-we go back Wednesday-someone quick stick an ice pick in my ear I haven't used an alarm in 3months

OH Halloween my fav fav favvvvv Holiday too-last yr middle bean,his friends and myself dressed up like black eyed not the group lol we painted a big black circle around our eye then decorated a white T-shirt with a huge letter P-only a handful of people "got it" BUT when they did they loved it!

Oops sorry this isnt my blog it's the comment box sorry about the novel of a comment-i was gone all day yesterday I am having withdrawls I tell ya!

FlowerGirl said...

Yeah - the pizza you bring home have different crust. It took me a while and being pissed at several pizza to figure that one out. You gotta get them to cook it...

Halloween rules! Love the black eyed pea thing...