Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gibberish speak...

I had my eyes checked less than a month ago. But, I'm just convinced that Google is trying to prepare us for some weird-type of language that'll be coming down the pipes... maybe after an alien invasion... Those stupid codes always have me squinting...

Anyway... My neighbor was carjacked last night. She was in the nearby major city. Now, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. He put a gun to her head, etc. So, through the course of the conversation, I find out he really stole a loaner because her car is at the dealer having work done. So, I guess if that was me, I'd be happy I was alive and that I have my own car. I think it's kinda funny he got the loaner. **disclaimer - I don't think this type of situation is funny and I know it's serious. However, I believe there's humor to be had in any type of situation because if not, you would be in a REAL bad way**

I've got Born Cool's soccer practice tonight. Fantastic. Outstanding. I am so excited. Call me 'soccer mom' and I'm likely to come through the screen... I have never cried because my son's team lost a game. I have never slapped my child because he missed a goal. I just sit back and watch because I think that it's those parent's who's child kicks ass... ha! I secretly like to see him kick ass. I mean, who doesn't, really? I want him to get in there and be rough and trip people. And yell in their face when he does good and they do bad. I want him to bury some kids in the grass. And, I'm soooo serious about that... kidding

Mystery Man refuses to talk about kindergarten still. I'm convinced they're running some kind of covert operation out of that classroom and the kids have all been threatened. Maybe the kids are all in it. Maybe they're making some 'special' kind of glue or maybe that's not glitter in the tubes. Maybe I need to sniff the next project that comes home real good. Or taste it. I don't know...

Born Cool's teacher threatened several times this week that her 'nice' was going away. I'm still not real sure what that means. I'm thinking she may be in need of therapy. Or maybe she needs to borrow my bottle of crazy pills.

Old Soul has had a rough start. Rain seems to think that it's my fault because of my organizational skills. He has laid out a plan and went through it step by step with me. He forgets that I'm the other parent and that I am, indeed, smarter than a 5th grader. Oh, how I do get tired of the Rain sometimes. *rolls eyes* I dropped O.S. off in the a.m.; and in the line stands his band leader (who's a cutie) and the new assistant principle (also a cutie). Anyway, I was jamming out to Shake It (Metro Station) this morning and told him I was going to wink and blow kisses that the guys. I thought he was going to start crying before I dropped him off. He knows I'd do it. Just not this morning....

Well, I'm thinking what you're about to see will dazzle and amaze you... Check it out. It's glittery and it meows... Acorn King, if you're there, I'm so not getting a bedazzler... This cat's the bomb...

For those of you that need a little more... Here's a hot guy... And, this is a REAL picture. If you're not familiar with tennis, this is Andy Roddick. I think he's flipping hot and he serves that ball at like 150 miles an hour. Super powerful and that's a HUGE turn on for me. He comes to my town for a tennis tournament. We were walking down the 'tournament hall' to his next match. I decided it would be a good photo op. I don't know why our escort (the old guy) looked at me like that. Geeeesh... We had drinks the night he lost. It's unfortunate that he's found some super model (whatever) and how they're getting married. I'm sure he'll never forget our 'special' time in ******* together...

Anyway, I'll be away contemplating whether or not to wear my Wally World trailer-trash-lace-trimmed-tight-fitting tank top to soccer practice or my designer skort set from Dillards. I just wish I could be a normal mom sometimes... ha!


Unknown said...

I had all kindsa things to say about,eyes needing checked,car-jackings,Born cool,the rain,Old soul and Metro station then i saw Andy Roddick...I am speechless!

FlowerGirl said...

He's the finest piece of ass on the tennis circuit if you ask me. He leaves me speachless as well. And, frankly, that's just how I feel about it. Yes, if you're a guy and you're reading this, I just called another man a "piece of ass"... You like apples?

How 'bout them apples - ha!!

Lipstick said...

Oh LOL at the trailer-trash-lace-tank comment!!!!

So do you still play tennis? I remember y'all were all really into tennis for awhile. I remember you wanting to go to Nick Boletari's (sp?) tennis camp. That's some old times right there!

So sorry about your neighbor. I am not surprised. The city is so awful now.

BTW, saw your comment on the demo photos. It is fun to watch sitemeter/statcounter to see all the hits you'll get from that site!

FlowerGirl said...

Lipstick: That is some old times right there?! Remember when I was so in love with Andre Agassi?

I started playing and got "serious" about it last year. I played in a tournament a year ago now and finished 4th in my division. Rather proud since I never really did a tournament. Then, I found out my heart was running like 250 beats per minute during my last match. Tried to play a couple of times after that, but every time I did, my HR shot up. Highest was 285... scary... I got out a couple of times since they *fixed* me this past march, but I'm too scared to give it anything... The more I get in the gym, the braver I get. I'd love to start playing again....

Didn't mean to this to be a post...

Are you adding sitemeter back to your site?

Brittany said...

I'm sorry, I actually had this long comment to post, but I saw Andy...and now things are fuzzy...

Anonymous said...

Well, I could handle that one also. I would say Harrison first....then this one would be no problem.

Welcome again to MBC!

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