Friday, August 22, 2008

My (Un)Spectacular World...

Well, I was tagged with this whole, "what's unspectacular about you" thing... Which, on the posts I've read so far, it's chocked full of highly intersting information... Georgie saw fit to tag me and I learned some awesome stuff about her- like how she can "will" songs on the radio because of her "sixth sense"... I read Lipstick's six things and learned that she has ACTUALLY skydived... Amazing girls, people... I'm glad Lipstick did the whole "I don't know what a 'meme' thing is"... I totally would have asked that... Anyway, here goes, from the bottom up. You know I love to talk and love to type. Some of them tie in together. If I lose you, that's okay. You can come back. What's totally (un)spectacular about the FlowerGirl...

1. I was very prissy as a little girl. However, I moved to the country; and when certain kids would come over (one of which was a really blonde headed boy), we would play "Dukes of Hazard". I was, of course, Daisy Duke. But, I learned to become bothered by the fact that I wasn't near as tan as she was. Any rate, I made a fine, but plausible mud mixture and would cover my legs from my ankles to my upper thighs. It would dry, BAM... Daisy, you would have been proud. My mom sure was when I'd walk through the house...

2. I have an almost sick facination for vampires. Two of my things involve them. I've always been a vampire for Halloween. And. a damn good one at that. I figured out in the past ten years why. My pediatric dentist decided my mouth was too small for "all those teeth"... Quick, go to a mirror. Look at your front two teeth, then those pretty even edged teeth on either side, then your canines (otherwise know as incisors). Got it? He pulled the pretty even edged teeth. The permanent ones. So, my teeth go, two front teeth then incisors. Man, put some vampire caps on those babies and watch out. I'm out for blood.

3. On that note, I had an awesome friend in college. We pulled all kinds of stupid stuff together. He would do this awesome impression of the first night he met me. I loved him. He was like a brother. Anyway, he loved that I loved vampires. So, one night in February, we went out to eat at a very popular burger joint. I dressed as an "undercover" vampire. Paled face, dark eye makeup, the caps on the teeth, whole nine yards. Needless to say, we'd cleared the restaurant by 9 p.m. Scared the crap out of everyone in that dining area.

4. I survived the most spectacular car accident anyone could be in. My first car was a convertible - a red one with a black top. Driving back to my dorm from my parent's house one night, my heart quit and I blacked out. The car first hit head on a cluster of trees that deployed the air bag and threw me in the back seat (no seatbelt, which saved my life, crazy huh?) Anyhow, the car then rolled down, oh, probably at least a 30 foot ravine - with me in the backseat flopping around. Then, it decided to land upside down. I woke up, and obviously, all the windows were gone. I crawled out, tried to find my purse in the pitch black. Managed to find the awesome black leather biker jacket I had just gotten out of laway and ran down the highway almost 2 miles to the nearest house. Did. Not. Break. A. Nail. When the firemen and paramedics arrived at the scene, I hear the car was already on fire. Two words. Damn. It. Tell me my guardian angel doesn't work overtime...

5. Speaking of convertibles, I've learned that you like them, you don't like them, you think they're kinda cool, or you're born to drive them. I am born to drive them. My second car was a convertible. Rain decided we should sell it after we got married. I'm getting another one after I get out of school; and I will eat in it, sleep in it and have sex in it. I will be one with my car.

6. Last but not least, I don't dig needles for myself. I don't mind giving someone a shot, but I don't really care for them. Beginning of that story, I gave blood when I was 16. Pulled the needle out, held the arm up, BAM, I had a 3rd degree seizure. I woke up with wet towels all over me. LifeBlood has black balled me. End of the story, even though childbirth hurts like hell, I've always been way too scared of that needle that goes in your back for that epidural. I've never had one. I'm kinda proud of that.

7. As a bonus (and it's short, besides two people tagged me. Be glad I'm not doing 12), I love, love, love snakes. My first snake "disappeared" from my dorm room in college. Rat bastards probably flushed the little guy. Rain made me give my second snake away because he kept biting me. He name was Ra-Hee and he was beautiful. If he had only stopped biting...

Anyway, that's it. I've got to tag 6 other people. Here are the rules and who I'm tagging...

1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

The last part of the tag game is to send it to six people you want to know 6 insignificant or unspectacular quirks about.

I'm tagging...

1. & 2. MommieMayhem... I love their blog. They are so cool and always have me in stiches... I want to hear from both of you...
3. MamaNeena... I just found her blog. She looks so cute and her kids are so cute I could die. Quick, go see the pic of her little girl teething...
4. TwinzieMom... I go to school with her... She's very cool. I gotta get her talkin...
5. MoreWinePlease... I love, love reading about her girls... and, her's are georgeous and so is she, and funny stuff happens over there...
6. Shan... I just found her blog as well... We fellow smart asses have to stick together...

That's it folks... If you're still with me, you are a HELL OF A TROOPER...


Unknown said...

That is ummm VERY spectaular about the car crash you were in WOW!

I think we may have something we DONT have in common LOL well sorta I don't care for them at alllll BUT middle bean does have a beautiful(did I just say that out loud ABOUT a snake?) corn snake "it's" a cool redish pink color

I was sooooo LMAO at you puttin mud on your legs-I didn't grow up with boys it was alll girls all the time we always played Charlies Angle's

morewineplease said...

HOLY CRAPOLA!!!!!! AMAZING about that wreck.
And the vampire thing is crazy!
OK.. I thought I had needle phobia. you got me there!
Thanks for the tag, I will have to think about this one. for a while.

Da Old Man said...

You like snakes and covertibles? You are officially the coolest woman I know.

FlowerGirl said...

Georgie: Awww... He's got an albino corn snake. That's what my second one was. The biter.

MWP: I'm lookin forward to seeing what you put out there... Halloween is right around the corner....

DOM: If I wrapped a snake around my neck and drove around in a convertible at the same time, would I be even cooler?

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

Hey my other comment just disappeared, I guess I'll do it again. No epidural? Your my hero.

Lipstick said...

WOW. Maybe we should change the title of this meme to "six amazing facts about an amazing woman" in honor of your post.

That is hysterical about the mud thing. I will have to email you for the name of the really blonde-headed little boy. I think I know who he is and I think I have been chatting with him on facebook (crackbook).

I love that you went to a restaurant wearing full vampire gear. That is hysterical!! For some reason I pictured you at Huey's.

The wreck...OMG. Reading that, I just felt like time stood still. I had no idea of all that. I remember being at college and my mother saying you had a wreck. Fenderbender, we thought. Oh boy, were we wrong. Wow. You are one amazing lady. And I love that you got your jacket.

No epidural? Well, I'm just speechless. I had mine when I began to experience mild discomfort.

FlowerGirl said...

OMG... You NAILED Huey's!!!! That's exactly where we were... Midtown... How funny is that!

Yeah, email me about the boy. He wasn't in our class. But, we did go to church with him... :)

I still have the jacket... Old Soul wore it last year for Halloween... when he dressed in vampire gear - ha!

I've got to get linked up to that facebook thing!

Tasha said...

Hym very interesting! I loved vamps when I was a teen, too. I hear they are making a comeback! Who doesn't like a good blood sucker, after all? And dang...that was one heck of a car accident story. Pretty amazing you're still here and even blogging! :P

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag! I'm looking forward to this one.

Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

All I have to say about your number 4 is WOW!! You are one lucky lady !!
I answered your tag! Go check it out :)