Thursday, August 7, 2008

Super Chick...

So, yesterday, I had lunch with my girl, Super Chick. That'll be her assigned name... Because she is just that... We've been running around side by side since we were 8 years old. We have the same birthday, so we've been having our birthday parties together for as long as I can remember. I think the coolest one was the one at the skating ring in 5th grade. We had some kickin' super cool clothes... I think we've only missed like one, maybe two, birthdays or something...

Anyway, I was able to break free from the house - a major deal around here. We met at our joint downtown and pigged out on some awesome burgers... She works downtown for the government. She's kickin' all kinds of ass in a testosterone dominated field. Seriously kickin' ass... I went on a business trip this past spring with her and got to watch her give a presentation about a project she's managing. I just thought it was cool that she's presenting all this stuff to this room full of mostly men that are a good 10-15 years older than us. I wanted to stand up and clap when she was done... She's my girl...

Anyway, I hope everybody has a girlfriend like that... Everybody needs one... We're more like sisters... I actually told a guy that yesterday and he believed me...

So, that's my friend gushing for the day... Like I said, everybody ought to have a girl like that...


Unknown said...

Oh how awesome and i so gots me a bestie our B-days are 1 day apart and I bet if I called her right now she would come and wipe tucks on my assa! cuz well my assa thinks it has horror-oids....

hey chica email me at gjohnson3 (at) cox (dot) net so I can send your amazon gc to ya...

Lipstick said...

OMG!!! Just how is it that you BOTH look exactly the same as the day we graduated! the course of her research has she learned how to stop the clock or is it just that same birthday thing that keeps you both super stunning!

P.S. I am not making this up...I always think of you both on THE DAY-every year.

morewineplease said...

Thats the best friendship to have!

Hey lady! I added you to OSB!